Our Unified Workspace solutions utilize the Blast Extreme protocol by default, so it should be no surprise that we’d like for everyone to hear more about it and the benefits that come with it. Blast Extreme has been around since 2013 and it was built upon the best existing capabilities of the older HTML5 Blast protocol. This protocol is included with the View component of VMware Horizon 7. Blast Extreme is recommended in most use cases and is required for connections to Linux desktops as well as for HTML access.

There is a myriad of benefits that Blast Extreme provides, some of which include:

  • Broad client support, including devices running Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS, Android, Chrome and web (HTML) clients.
  • Ability to work flawlessly when integrated with visually intensive applications while utilizing NVIDIA GRID GPU-based hardware acceleration on the host.
  • Extremely simple setup which only requires that one port (443) be opened on the front-end firewall.
  • Utilization of the H.264 codec which results in lower CPU consumption and longer battery life on mobile devices.

The broad client support is definitely up there in terms of benefits as it allows you to utilize the same clients across all your devices. Gone are the days of having to connect remotely to Linux, Mac, or Android and iOS devices to download the necessary RDP applications for your clients and then configuring them by hand. You only need to download one application and all that is required in order to set up the connection is specifying the server address.

Blast Extreme Protocol allows for devices on which there is no native Horizon Client or on computers for which the user does not own to connect to their virtual environment through an HTML 5-compliant web browser. The HTML5 support combined with the broad client support allows users to connect virtually from any device at any time. This is ideal for industries in which employees are usually on the go such as law offices, construction companies and more while utilizing several different devices to connect.

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